Well, It's been a while since I've last posted! I've done so many fun things, visited amazing places, and spent time with some amazing people. I'm not much of a writer, so here are some photos and captions instead.
Ship near markets in Dubai |
Palm Atlantis, Dubai, UAE |
London buses and pubs |
British Museum, London |
looking up at the street from the window at our house, London
It was the most eventful summer of my life. The excitement of seeing people after being apart for so long feels so good, that it's hard to describe. The joy you feel when you're truly enjoying something together with your family is honestly, kind of rare. The pain you endure when losing someone that you'd never thought would fall so soon, is almost unbearable. The butterflies in your stomach on the first day in a new school makes you faint, but the reassurance of being surrounded by people who love and support you makes you stronger than ever. |