nd I'm still awake, surfing through tumblr and looking for things to post and reblog. My sister and I are leaving in just three hours, though we haven't even fully packed yet. All I have left is packing some extra books (the lovely bones, the catcher in the rye, the book thief etc.), take a shower, dress, then we're ready to leave for the airport. We're flying from here to SF, then to SEOUL! :) I couldn't be more excited about going there than I am now. It's been so long since I've seen or talked to my best friends, and reading the "can't wait to see you" messages on facebook makes me even more anxious to go there as soon as possible.
One thing I'm both interested in and nervous about is taking SAT PREP hagwon classes every weekday for a month. It's been forever since I've been to hagwon, and I definitely haven't done anything like this before. I really hope I can be a better writer after taking the class.Even though I shouldn't be worried about anything 'cause it's summer, I have so many questions and concerns about going back to school this fall. I don't know which one to go to! If only I could stay in Korea... Repeating the grade might be an idea too, since my GPA is insanely low. Probably lower than all of my friends. It's all because of procrastination. It's hurt my grades, happiness, and relationships. It hasn't only been this year, but for maybe three years since middle school. I just can't seem to break this horrible habit.
Here of some things that I'm bringing onto the airplane so I don't get bored:
BOOKS: The Lovely Bones
The Catcher in The Rye
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Book Thief
FOOD: peach-o's
gummy worms
MAGAZINES (SELF, teenvogue, seventeen)
SUDOKU (i'm a dork!)
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