Summer Plans

So, I'm leaving for Seoul in exactly a week! Although I'm super excited, I'm also kind of worried about what people will think about me when they see me a year later. Will they think, "wow, she's gorgeous!", or "eh, nothing different about her", or worse: "ew, what happened to her?!". I'm pretty sure the last one doesn't apply, but I'm worried nonetheless. Because of all these worries I'm having, I decided to come up with a plan to give myself a little makeover in only one week. I want to look prettier and hotter, fitter, more stylish, smarter, and most of all, more confident. It all sounds superficial, but I really, really want to have a great 'second' impression with everyone I know. The easiest part will be the physical changes, but the hardest will be improving my personality. Working to be more confident is the most important because I usually lack confidence and courage, but I hope this summer will be a good opportunity for doing that.

What else am I doing this summer? I've already volunteered a few times at the public library, taken a week-long drawing and painting class, and read a few books. When I go to Korea, I'll be taking SAT reading and writing at a hakwon and maybe doing tennis or yoga. And of course, I'll be catching up with people. I can't wait to see my best friends and spend as much time as possible with them! We'll have sleepovers, go swimming, shopping, talk, watch movies...I've never been more excited this whole entire year. I'm going to promise myself to become a better person this summer, and build up different skills and hobbies. I'll learn a few songs by ear on my guitar and piano, read some classics, paint a few pictures, and learn some new vocabulary.

During this next week, I'll be doing something different each day for my makeover. These are the main things I need to work on: exercise, makeup, clothes, tanning, hair, and of course packing for my month-long vacation. After Korea, we're going to Abu Dhabi so I'll need A LOT of things. I hope I spend this summer really well and hopefully, this week will be worth the hard work!